Vegan Punks NFT #1 to #10000

Welcome to Vegan Punks NFTs! We are a collection of 10,000 unique NFTs meditating through space, and living on the Polygon blockchain. Help us unlock our chakras so we can be mentally balanced once again!

🖼️[Metaverse GALLERY](

🛠️Utility breeding, token rewards, and airdrops for 2 or more held in a single wallet address.

Muladara Chakra – deals with survival, blocked by fear

Svadhishtana Chakra – deals with pleasure, blocked by guilt

Manipura Chakra – deals with willpower, blocked by shame

Anahata Chakra – deals with love, blocked by grief

Vishuddha Chakra – deals with truth, blocked by lies

Ajna Chakra – deals with insight, blocked by illusion

Sahasrara Chakra – deals with pure cosmic energy, blocked by earthly attachment

#10000 to #50001 (Original Rare) 0.0005 ETH to 0.001 ETH
#5000 to #1001 (Rare) 0.001 ETH to 0.01 ETH
#1000 to #65 (Super Rare) 0.01 ETH to 0.1 ETH
#64 to #9 (Ultra Rare) 1 ETH
#8 to #1 (Secret Rare) 10 ETH


Welcome to The Matrix Punks NFT collection! These are 100 uniquely designed Human, Zombie, Ape, Alien, and Hybrid NFT’s realizing they are programs and begin to recode themselves.

🤝🏽Backgrounds are from “The Matrix” series, promotes cultural diversity, and skins are from actual human medical conditions.

🎥NFTs will act as a collectible for the upcoming movie [Matrix Ressurrections](

🖼️[Metaverse Gallery](

#100 to #65 (Original) Human 0.01 to 0.0975 ETH
#64 to #29 (Rare) Zombie 0.1 to 0.975 ETH
#28 to #11 (Super Rare) Ape 1 to 9.5 ETH
#10 to #2 (Ultra Rare) Alien 10 to 12 ETH
#1 (Secret Rare) Hybrid 100 ETH

🧒🏽🧒🏻10% Donated to [Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights]( @thegivingblock.

This project is not affiliated with Larva Labs.


Welcome to The Matrix Punks NFT collection! These are 100 uniquely designed Human, Zombie, Ape, Alien, and Hybrid NFT’s realizing they are programs and begin to recode themselves.

🤝🏽Backgrounds are from “The Matrix” series, promotes cultural diversity, and skins are from actual human medical conditions.

🎥NFTs will act as a collectible for the upcoming movie [Matrix Ressurrections](

🖼️[Metaverse Gallery](

#100 to #65 (Original) Human 0.01 to 0.0975 ETH
#64 to #29 (Rare) Zombie 0.1 to 0.975 ETH
#28 to #11 (Super Rare) Ape 1 to 9.5 ETH
#10 to #2 (Ultra Rare) Alien 10 to 12 ETH
#1 (Secret Rare) Hybrid 100 ETH

🧒🏽🧒🏻10% Donated to [Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights]( @thegivingblock.

This project is not affiliated with Larva Labs.